Loved this post so so much. His music is a treasure. As a modestly capable pianist and a Russian language major who has been to St. Pete and Moscow several times (and once saw a performance of No 2 in St Pete), this brought back such tender feelings of adoration for everyone I knew and lived in Russia (all mid to late 90s). I too am VERY interested in a draw the dogs session.

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I love this. If by chance, you have not seen “Brief Encounter,” you will love it. The Rach 2 is the music for the entire film.

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👀 👂

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That is wild that he wrote prelude in c# minor at the age of 19! My all time bucket list song to learn

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My mom, who was a pianist, shared with me that she heard Rachmaninoff play when he came to Santa Barbara to give a concert. His Steinway came on the train with him. She too spoke about the incredible breadth of his reach.

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Wow that is incredible !

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This is indeed worlds colliding for me - Rachmaninoff in Santa Barbara 😵‍💫When I am in LA I often think about how it was for him living there - a complete opposite of Russia landscape, nature etc, as if he has traveled to a different universe...

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I know. It’s so sad to imagine him in Beverly Hills

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I love the new logo! Are these public domain photos? I’d love to have a Art Dogs drawing session soon! Thanks for another inspiring newsletter! 😍

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I've only just discovered Arte Dogs and I'm hooked.

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I loved this! And beautiful photos. Thank you, Bailey.

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This was my favorite issue yet! SO GOOD

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I loved this! So interesting! I did not know Rachmaninoff had monster hands!

I love Rachmaninoff which, I understand, makes me a total idiot. The problem is his music is way too beautiful--it makes people crazy!!!

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If my friend katya endorsed him, given ALL of her knowledge, then I do too!!

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Great research and wonderfully written. Thank you for sharing that precious learning.

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Bailey, you are doing the best of work here.

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Thank you for this piece. It’s so well written it brought tears to my eyes because Sergei’s story and music is so poignant. Well done. I’ll dive deeper in Spotify.

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Rachmaninoff will sound a lot cooler going forward.

Also: I can only imagine how much worse my writing would be without my own daily inspirato: my fur-babies!

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Oh my. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this post. Rachmaninoff once said “music should bring relief. It should rehabilitate minds and souls.” YES. The photos are incredible, loved the one of the vertical line of people with dog at the bottom. I love how you have woven in the music into the text. Brilliant and rich. Thank you!

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Wonderful and moving piece, Bailey.

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