Mind provoked! Intrigued!

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Very robust, fair and thoughtful piece. There was much in here about Dali I didn't know. Thanks Bailey!

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Bailey Richardson

A wonderfully told story with lovely photos. Thanks!

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The only difference between a fool and myself is that I’m not a fool

Salvador Dalí

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I’ve always loved his work but there was so much I just learned about him reading this piece. Thank you 🙏🏽

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What a cool legacy Dali left behind! His art is still among the most captivating ever produced today.

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Bailey Richardson

Dali+animals=wild, weird fun! Thanks, Bailey!

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Wonderful piece, Bailey. I’m sending this to Taylor, a friend of many years. ❤️

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Wow wow so Jolene! That’s incredible to hear! I just saw his HBO documentary and was very moved by it.

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24 Hour is just amazing 💫 Emailing you :)

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So interesting! Glad you did this one. I had no idea that all of his animals were stunts instead of pets. As I shared in my article about Kay Sage, I've managed to spend very little time researching the surrealists even though I love surrealist art ... I think because my lens of exploring art and mental health becomes extra complex with them as they were al so influenced by Freud, Jung, etc. I feel daunted! Love this article. <3

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Bailey Richardson

His art work survives and amazes. Not his personality. It’s a footnote

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